
Tag: #self-hosted

How to make a Zola theme easily

I just re-designed my blog and switched to Zola today! I plan on adding more content soon (Minecraft tutorials, other tutorails, maybe some essays + some videos). But for now this is just a classic tutorial about making a Zola template.

Installing Etherpad

In this post I'm gonna explain how to install and configure Etherpad on your server (for production).

We're going to: install NodeJS, install Etherpad, setup subdomain, setup HTTPS, setup nginx, create a service file for Etherpad, create a database for Etherpad, change the default Etherpad theme and install new plugins. All of this in less than half an hour...

How to get a free domain name

Domain names are required for a lot of actions on your server, like the SSL certificate generation for example.

But you may want to get one for free to avoid the need of paying anything for your server (in the case when you self-host).

Installation de Kanboard sur Debian

Dans un article précédent j'ai parlé de taskcafé. C'est intérressant, mais j'avoue préférer kanboard, non seulement il est beaucoup plus simple à installer, mais il est aussi beaucoup plus rapide que taskcafé.

Installer taskcafe

Taskcafe es une webapp kanban. J'ai vu un screenshot sur Discord et j'ai ressenti un besoin irrésistible de l'installer. Donc voici comment l'installer de A à Z.