
My Alacritty Setup

Why I use Alacritty

I am obsessed with lightness and optimization, I try ot reduce CPU and RAM usage everywhere, and try to keep the interface minimalistic.

I first used tilix, but I didn't like it because it's not minimal and optimized enough for me.

Then I used st, it's maybe one of the most minimal and light terminal emulator out there (written in pure C), but It wasn't stable enough (mine was crashing when using commands with a lot of output) also, you need to recomile the terimnal at every modification.

Meanwhile, alacritty is written in Rust (which is very fast), but unlike st the modifications are live, which means you simply have to edit a file and the changes are applied automatically.

Color scheme manager

The "classic" way to edit your configuration in Alacritty is to modify your ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml or ~/.alacritty.yml file by copy-pasting code from other configurations.

But you can also use the package alacritty-themes to choose in a large directory of themes simply by pressing "ENTER".

alacritty-themes is written in Javascript, so you need to have node and npm installed. This is how to install it:

npm install -g alacritty-themes
ln -s /usr/local/node/bin/* /usr/bin/

Then you simply have to run alacritty-themes and pick your favorite :P My current favorite is dracula.


For fonts, I first used Share Tech Mono, then I switched to Fira Code which is really good. It's the one I am using now.

I had no idea of what to choose as terminal font, so I watched this video.


There is not a lot of things to say about a terminal setup in my opinion, but If you really want to see my config: this is my current configuration.